Glass formation is very common in polymeric molecules - in fact crystalline polymers are the exception, not the rule.
Main-chain liquid crystalline polymers have mesogenic groups linked to each other by a flexible spacer.
A particularly effective way of examining partially crystalline polymers is by X-ray diffraction.
The wet process is suitable for both crystalline and amorphous polymers.
Cellulose, a crystalline polymer derived from glucose, constitutes about 41-43%.
These are crystalline polymers with chain orientation virtually perfect in one direction.
It is a thermoplastic (semi-)crystalline polymer, and a type of polyester.
Besides, about 60% crystalline polymer about 40% of the polymer chains remaining amorphous.
Isotactic polypropene is a high-melting (165 C), strong, crystalline polymer, which is used as both a plastic and fiber.
A note on the melt strength of liquid crystalline polymer, with Th.