Diffraction patterns can have a large dynamic range, and for crystalline samples, may have intensities greater than those recordable by CCD.
By tilting a crystalline sample to low-index zone axes, SAD patterns can be used to identify crystal structures and measure lattice parameters.
Although perfectly packed crystalline samples are colorless, the mineral is often deeply colored due to the presence of F-centers.
In the research, a tightly focused X-ray beam was directed onto a small crystalline sample of HetR protein.
In addition, channeling of ions can also be used to analyze a crystalline sample for lattice damage.
A crystalline sample of GPA is melted, then chilled rapidly in ice-water to form a brittle amorphous mass.
A crystalline sample is by definition periodic; a crystal is composed of many unit cells repeated indefinitely in three independent directions.
Impinging on a crystalline sample it will scatter under a limited number of well-defined angles according to the same Bragg's law that describes X-ray diffraction.
In this process, the mathematically predicted diffraction patterns of an hypothesized or "model" structure are compared to the actual pattern generated by the crystalline sample.
She then ran the crystalline samples through a mass spectrometer to decipher the calcium-magnesium ratio.