For me, that place is (usually) the Connetquot River State Park Preserve in Oakdale, a crystalline spring-fed stream less than an hour-and-a-half drive from the city.
The crystalline stream of the Pabbar River running along the town's side only but adds to its already omnipresent sheen.
The murmur of far-off voices stopped; finally Wintermoon signaled a halt at the edge of a tiny, crystalline stream.
A crystalline stream two to three feet wide and a few inches to a few feet deep ran down a clean sandy bed through a tangle of fruit trees, rushes, palms and desert shrubs.
A babbling, crystalline stream.
Pleased, Honkah picked up the pace a bit, stepping across a crystalline stream on a series of strategically located stones.
We followed the spoor of a perfectly crystalline stream that climbed into the surrounding mountain range.
We both sat in silence while the rain beaded on my office window and formed ropey little crystalline streams as it ran down the glass.
As Berlioz's memoirs make clear, European musical life in the 19th century was far from a crystalline stream of masterworks and cultivated tastes.
The city is bordered by beautiful, crystalline streams, the Tobatingua and the Yacareby among the most important.