The main evidence for aurophilicity is from the crystallographic analysis of Au(I) complexes.
Smyth M, Fry E, Stuart D, Lyons C, Hoey E, Martin SJ Preliminary crystallographic analysis of bovine enterovirus.
Subsequent crystallographic analysis established that the methoxide and isopropoxides of niobium adopt bioctahedral structures.
The NIH group also carried out a crystallographic analysis of the levorotatory hydrochloride, and established its absolute configuration to be (1S, 2R, 4R), in which the nitrogen is attached to the C-2 position.
This value was finally confirmed and refined to 10.4 bp with crystallographic analysis in 2006.
Even pure Prussian blue is structurally complex, defying routine crystallographic analysis.
In addition to the specific amino acid codes, placeholders are used in cases where chemical or crystallographic analysis of a peptide or protein cannot conclusively determine the identity of a residue.
The reaction of the acetate with HCl was first described as providing trimolybdenum compounds, but subsequent crystallographic analysis confirmed that the product contains the MoCl ion with D symmetry.
Extensive crystallographic analysis has been performed, especially on the pterin- and iron-coordinated catalytic domain to examine the active site.
According to crystallographic analysis, Fe(II) is coordinated by water, His285, His290, and Glu330 (a 2-his-1-carboxylate facial triad arrangement) with octahedral geometry.