Over the years - even in a culinary culture set on improvisation - the recipe has remained true to its roots.
Hurricane Katrina has devastated one of the nation's most distinctive culinary cultures.
How typically American to meld different culinary cultures, creating something even better than the original.
This global culinary culture has been produced, in part, by the concept of selling processed food.
There has also been a genteel clash of culinary cultures.
But Jews' contribution to the city's culinary culture is at last starting to be officially recognized.
This is one of Spain's most exciting, if less known, culinary cultures.
In an era of fast food, subsistence incomes don't make for a culinary culture.
In addition to her books, she has published articles on Chinese law, politics, foreign relations, and culinary culture.
But good dining is a multifaceted experience produced by a centuries-old culinary culture.