A recipe is a set of instructions that describes how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.
Instead of fresh eating, these bananas are best suited to cooking, as seen in Mexican culinary dishes.
It is sought after worldwide, and can be found in a variety of culinary dishes.
Published in 1972, this work was available far before the Cajun culture would find popularity through wonderful culinary dishes.
One of the most traditional Polish culinary dishes are the pierogi.
However, disputes have arisen over things ranging from culinary dishes to Malaysia's national anthem.
Like so many other culinary classic dishes crisps came about by accident.
He found that he missed the little things they did together most, like watching baseball games and experimenting with new culinary dishes.
It is used in culinary dishes where only a subtle flavor is needed.
Both roasts are used when a strong peanut flour is wanted in the culinary dish.