Haiku with culinary metaphor.
Nana Djordjadze's film is savory, but "its culinary metaphors are a little too overbearing and its storytelling a bit too fragmentary" (Holden).
In this story, culinary metaphors reveal Celia's discomfort.
But the idea of his marrying Rosaura is roundly criticized, once again by means of a culinary metaphor.
These are Mr. Beckman's culinary metaphors for what he does offer to young people regularly: foreign movies, independent films, quirky shorts, innovative animation.
Its culinary metaphors are a little too overbearing and its storytelling a bit too fragmentary.
It's not been a season for barbecues, but the Met Office now has a new culinary metaphor: this, it told me yesterday, has been a "sandwich summer".
In the zeal to mix culinary metaphors (how about crab and papaya quesadillas?)
However, when the wearer's midriff is flabby, a vivid culinary metaphor is used: muffin-top.
Mr. Gallagher's lawyer, Richard N. Kean, explained the statement with culinary metaphors.