But I was not choosing for culinary value; I wanted to keep the more experienced war horses as long as possible.
Although edible in small quantities, the fragile fruit bodies are of limited culinary value, and may have a laxative effect.
It wasn't until the mid-19th century that domestic writers began to play down Thanksgiving's religious emphasis and invest the holiday with familiar culinary values.
Though Francolins are a gamebird, Hartlaub's is too small to be of any special culinary value.
He said he intended to campaign to foster traditional culinary values in France and to open more restaurants around the world.
Some species and varieties are gaining in popularity as garden plants, partly because of their herbal and culinary value.
Jumiles are collected for their culinary value and may be roasted, fried, ground, or eaten raw.
B. porosporus is edible but of little culinary value, being bland, and mushy when cooked.
The specific epithet officinalis refers to plants with a well-established medicinal or culinary value.
No medicinal or culinary values of this fern species have been studied or confirmed.