For that matter, my alma mater, Rutgers, and Harvard, Boston College and other parties culpable of same should issue official apologies.
Charles Beal, a Providence lawyer, said the most obviously culpable parties in Rhode Island were also probably the least able to pay.
"The gallery is less of a culpable party," Ms. Feuerman's lawyer, John B. Koegel, said in an interview.
The difficulty of identifying the culpable party is often seen in trials regarding crimes against humanity.
"We have twin goals, the first being to maintain open access to the courts and the second being to hold the truly culpable parties liable for their actions."
"He certainly has thought of a great deal to say in a very short time," grumbled a woman who did not know that her lady was the more culpable party.
Taking into account recent events, only the Regent Orients seemed to be the culpable party, and as a result, war erupted between the two great nations.
All of the other culpable parties are named in the book.
As for the culpable parties, they were relieved of command and stripped of their licenses, but unfortunately that was the only action taken.
The trustee assigned to liquidate the two hedge funds is also investigating whether there were other culpable parties; his report is due in December.