Dad Made Dirty Movies features interviews with Apostolof's children and his third wife Shelley, stars from his films, cult filmmakers, film critics and film historians.
"Stone's presence nicely underscores the genre-bending tactics of Raimi, the cult filmmaker now doing his best to reinvent the B movie in a spirit of self-referential glee."
César Velasco Broca (born 1978) is a Spanish cult filmmaker born in Amurrio in the province of Álava, Spain.
A year later, his documentary series The Incredibly Strange Film Show introduced many to the works of cult filmmakers like Sam Raimi and Jackie Chan.
In 1978 he worked with two cult British filmmakers, Pete Walker (Home Before Midnight) and Norman J. Warren (Terror).
In early 1997, Warner Bros. approached cult filmmaker and comic book writer Kevin Smith, who had then just finished writing Superman Lives, to script a Green Lantern film.
Taken from the wonderfully twisted imagination of cult Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer, Little Otik combines dark humour, surreal horror and an unnerving but tender family story.
He is also known for being a cult filmmaker and former recording artist.
Alejandro Jodorowsky - worked as both a circus clown and puppeteer before finding his calling as a cult filmmaker.
New York Post's V.A. Mussetto praised the film: "Movies by Rob Zombie, the goth rocker turned cult filmmaker, aren't for everybody.