The Silent Hill series heavily involves a religious cult known only as The Order.
Billy was involved with the cult known as the Children of God, which had approached Patrick's son Michael a week earlier.
Clonaid is a subsidiary of the cult known as the Raelians, who believe that cloning is the first step toward immortality.
These creatures are more fully explained in the sequel as being related to the cult known as the Oro.
He's the founder of a cult known as the Temple of New Reason.
He was referring to members of a cult known as the Finders, who have occupied at least two buildings here.
The commander touched another button; the annunciator said: "In recent years the cult known as Tamarch6 has attracted attention.
The cult of domesticity, also known as the cult of true womanhood (by people who like it), is a view about women in the 1800s.
There also exists a cult known as the Lubalites.
"It also displays the characteristics of a cult, including worship of the founder, known as the Father, and violent self-mortification by its followers."