The cult survived the Reformation.
Why do such cults and their dogmas survive endless exposures, discreditings, and confutations?
It is improbable that Gaddafi's cult will long survive him, at least on any significant scale.
It may be that Seth's cult survived in some form at Sepermeru, long after Sepermeru's decline as a religious center.
He sought always to make sure that his cult survived the wrath of its enemies.
Some evidence indicates the cult survived into the 4th century.
How can a cult which preaches passivity survive when its followers are ruthlessly persecuted and killed, despised by everyone in power.
And about one time in a thousand the cult survives for a couple of generations.
With regard to the Muslim Somalis, since no indigenous cult has survived, no ancient deities and spirits are known.
St. Julian's cult survived until at least the 13th century, but was confined to Brioude once more.