During his tenure, Mr. Daley had come under criticism for not adequately cultivating leaders in Congress.
The more the Israeli government cultivates other leaders, the more likely it is to weaken Mr. Arafat's status.
In the 1980's, as the party cultivated younger leaders, Mr. Hu was one of the stars.
Liberal Israeli observers contend that the university may even be useful in cultivating moderate Palestinian leaders.
The plan is for the university to accumulate technology and expertise, and then cultivate leaders for the new industry.
He believes that the Program "cultivates global leaders who reflect the diversity" of the US.
One of her great strengths is cultivating leaders.
It has spent four years cultivating Catholic leaders, organizing more than 50,000 volunteers and hiring a corps of paid staff members to increase Catholic turnout.
Now the school is not at all shy about its ambition to cultivate leaders for other countries.
The school's history during the 1960s and 1970s was lively with cultivating civil rights champions, national leaders and outstanding Christian ministers.