Exactly how many find themselves bound to employers who take advantage of their legal status, naivete and cultural alienation is not known.
At first the film seems to be a serious exploration of lapsed faith and cultural alienation.
Like so much modern Indian writing, then, "English, August" is concerned with cultural alienation and dislocation.
Here was a young man whose cultural alienation and nihilism had led him to implore his adopted deity to punish his own people with nonexistence.
However, being taken from home and prohibited from speaking Sami has resulted in cultural alienation, loss of language, and lowered self-esteem.
It can also be manifested in individuals in the form of cultural alienation.
Against all odds they have risen through a challenging time of violent crime, social change and cultural alienation in an evolving country.
Several of his dramas involve Jewish identity, cultural alienation, and universal problems of racism.
All express varying degrees of nostalgia for the past and cultural alienation in the present.
Noguchi's abstract, deliberately archaic sculptural forms represented a self-made refuge from the cultural alienation he experienced throughout his life.