Of course, Houston isn't the only city in which businesses support not just cultural amenities but basic services like public schools.
The development will also provide new public facilities, creating "a variety of living, working, leisure and cultural amenities".
As whole families began to immigrate many social and cultural amenities were established.
A van that brings various cultural amenities to the car park of a council estate.
Technological, educational and cultural amenities have also expanded to meet the increased demand in this growing city.
Schools, hospitals, apartments, office buildings and cultural amenities are to be built in the district.
It is isolated from the city's thriving downtown with its cultural amenities.
The city developed businesses and cultural amenities as part of the New South.
It's also a city without much in the way of cultural amenities.
One topic of his recent research attracted interest from the media, concerning the relationship between cultural amenities and economic growth.