The Language movement and its fallout had created substantial cultural and political animosity between the two wings of Pakistan.
Originally the Caldari were members of the Federation, though cultural animosity between the two peoples spiralled into a war during which the Caldari seceded from the Federation to found their own Caldari State.
At first I thought that this may be due to cultural animosity between city folk and country folk.
Umpires rarely receive full-hearted league support in disputes with players and managers, and the continuing trend toward verbally abusing and even physically attacking amateur umpires signifies a cultural animosity that organized baseball has done nothing to counteract.
European colonizers disregarded native political and cultural animosities, imposing peace upon people under their military control.
Already, he has had some effect in cooling cultural animosities, in 'bringing the ghetto to the suburb and the suburb to the ghetto'.
During Namantar Andolan Nanded district and its villages faced cultural animosities which brought civil rights revolution in Marathwada region.
Although the Language Movement is considered to have laid the foundations for ethnic nationalism in many of the Bengalis of East Bengal and later East Pakistan, it also heightened the cultural animosity between the authorities of the two wings of Pakistan.
The riot at Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka, began as a protest over sharing river waters with the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu but swiftly spilled into a protest against outsiders, with old linguistic and cultural animosities asserting themselves.
Yee knew the Japanese would be ruthless in their exploitation of his country, for they held a historic and cultural animosity toward all Koreans, who even to this day were regarded as second-class citizens in Japan.