We have a cultural attachment to images of the 'rugged individualist' and the 'sharp shooters of the old west'.
In this atmosphere Catholics decided to use this cultural attachment to improve their position.
While coca has been grown and consumed for centuries in the Andes, many farmers are relative newcomers with no deep cultural attachment to the crop.
There is a strong natural history and cultural attachment to the Dividing Range region in towns and on many, sometimes remote landholdings.
Patriotism is a cultural attachment to one's homeland, excluding differences caused by the dependencies of the term's meaning upon context, geography and philosophy.
The term irredentism applies to those border disputes and other territorial claims that one party justifies on the basis of former cultural or ethnic attachment.
I don't think we've got the time for the cultural attachment to large families to "educate out"...
Many Italians ignore specific Catholic strictures on things like divorce, which is common, while nonetheless feeling a powerful sentimental and cultural attachment to the church.
American patriotism refers to patriotism involving cultural attachment of Americans to the United States as their homeland.
In any case, Irian Jaya has no cultural attachment to Indonesia.