The British strategy was consequently imitated by other countries, although these varied according to cultural backdrop.
Bernadette's visions took place against a cultural backdrop of apparitions and other supernatural events that bear some resemblance to Bernadette's experiences.
Design doesn't happen in a vacuum; it needs a core and a home and a cultural backdrop of its own to make sense.
They have become the driving force, and ultimately the cultural backdrop, for broader symposiums designed to grapple with the issues facing the Sudanese people.
Against the cultural backdrop of war-on-terrorism America, it doesn't matter that Senator Lieberman is Jewish; what does matter is that he's short.
A music video was produced for the single, featuring Harry dancing in front of various cultural backdrops in a couple different outfits throughout the clip.
How much of the cultural backdrop against which his exploits are being re-created needs to be sketched in for the reader to make some historical sense of Drake's actions?
That author ruminated on the store's old-time hardware emporium atmosphere against the cultural backdrop of the Deep South.
Whether wholehearted or uneasy, the support for Lorena Bobbitt shows that anger against men is part of the cultural backdrop of our discussion of sexual issues.
By far the more interesting parts of this book occur early, when Mr. Gavin is sketching in the musical and cultural backdrop to Baker's rise.