England largely also becomes in this period bound up with the Atlantic trade system, which created something of a cultural continuum over a large part of Western Europe.
The first and second imply an 8000 year racial and cultural continuum.
Perhaps, then, the recent uprisings on both ends of the ideological spectrum shouldn't be viewed as opposing trends, but rather as points on the same cultural continuum.
These values are assumed to reside in the cultural continuum which Bateson sees as stretching from 1200 to the present.
Beyond that, the prophetic capacity refers to an architect's ability to see herself as part of a cultural continuum.
Moments like these reinforce the idea of an "African cultural continuum" set forth by the art historian Richard Powell.
Janson continued to refine his technique while exploring the cultural continuum of Dutch genre themes such as reading, writing, family life and music making.
He placed the Macedonians on his cultural continuum closer to barbarians than Hellenes, or perhaps an intermediate category between Greeks and non-Greeks.
Nonetheless, he shares with Michelangelo, da Vinci and Brunelleschi the belief that art and science exist within the same cultural continuum.
Instead they present a kind of cultural continuum that mixes objects, abstract motifs, bits of Portuguese folk art and stenciled words and numbers.