Even while leading his various companies, Susini remained active in the cultural domain.
"Ten years ago, this entire domain was a cultural domain or an industrial domain, and now virtually every ground floor is commercial space."
It also included cities which at that time formed part of the Catalan political and cultural domain, such as Perpignan.
He was interested in the issues related to the development as a student and did not consider it separate from the cultural domain.
Forest Lake College curriculum includes individualised training in the academic, cultural, social, spiritual and physical domains.
Poirier is significantly involved in the cultural and leisure domains.
Its economic and cultural domain was rather clear though.
Norfolk clearly believes that such issues of truth are not simple to resolve in the cultural domain where history, fiction and mythology combine.
The Lakes College's curriculum includes individualised training in the academic, cultural, social, spiritual and physical domains.
Last year we had over 100 personalities from various cultural domains and this time there are just 30.