The Ash Grove also became associated with the cultural and political ferment of the 1960s.
He ended up back in Manhattan in the 1970's, a period of underground cultural ferment.
Political conflict, urban history, religious practice and cultural ferment are vividly dramatized.
It was a center of cultural ferment, the most famous black community in America.
The city was rich in cultural ferment.
This is not to say that the cultural ferment of the period had no effect at all on serious theater.
After his retirement in 1980 he remained there, reveling in the city's beauty, variety, and cultural ferment.
Between those years, the city was one of Europe's great petri dishes of political and cultural ferment.
Other photographs are equally replete with details that reflect the cultural ferment of the time.
By rights, the city that embodied that clash should be bubbling over with cultural ferment.