Q. So it seems that boards are most responsible for maintaining cultural homogeneity.
And most topically, it offers an antidote to cultural homogeneity.
The result is likely to be cultural homogeneity.
"Japan is so concerned about maintaining cultural and racial homogeneity."
Americans go to theme parks seeking a fictitious, simpler time of cultural homogeneity.
What was once seen as a great advantage, racial or cultural homogeneity is turning into a disadvantage.
This policy of cultural homogeneity has been challenged from both the right wing and the left wing.
Some people argue that diversity in the material environment is insignificant so long as we are racing toward cultural or spiritual homogeneity.
Many now doubt that the peninsula's cultural homogeneity can overcome these barriers.
Part of the country's leadership emphasized the need for the ethnic and cultural homogeneity of the state in the long term.