Many important and beautiful works of art were undoubtedly lost as a result of the image-breaking of both the Reformation and civil war, and succeeding generations have rightly regretted the serious cultural impoverishment which has resulted.
The threat of cultural impoverishment is made very real by actions like these.
I don't want future college students to suffer the cultural and social impoverishment that afflicted my generation.
The small but highly concentrated output of 33 years' work, all of it dealing with life in Nova Scotia, where generations of hardship and authenticity are on the cusp of yielding to prosperity, education and cultural impoverishment.
But the economic poverty has often been interpreted as cultural impoverishment - as an implication that Indian culture lacks a playful or a cerebral dimension.
Such a move would condemn "future college students to suffer the cultural and social impoverishment that afflicted my generation."
A worldwide expansion of "Western" development and suppressing our unsustainable, undesirable development does not lead to worldwide wealth in any way, but to cultural impoverishment as well as the destruction of our natural resources.
Owners and book buyers at independent stores say the loss of stores like Endicott will mean cultural impoverishment for the city.
Is all this a sign of cultural impoverishment, a sign of change or of the forging of new identities?