Wait a minute: you're the Jersey columnist and you've never seen "The Sopranos," our leading export and cultural jewel?
These treasures were then presented in four categories - cultural jewels, music gems, environmental waste and historic treasures.
It could be expected to placate the French establishment, which has grown nervous about abandoning its cultural jewels to Hollywood-style power-brokering.
While the coast and the mountains will always be the main draw of the area, Oviedo is a cultural and architectural jewel that should not be missed.
I first traveled to this region in 1993 to visit Zenkoji, an ancient Buddhist temple that is the cultural jewel of the prefecture.
Experience the magic of Kyoto on a full-day sightseeing tour of Japan's cultural jewel.
Lastly, Pease Auditorium opened in 1914 and has been "a cultural jewel in the heart of Ypsilanti".
From riding a camel to the pyramids, to rambling through markets, mosques and busy squares, this city is packed with cultural and historical jewels.
Let's protect this American cultural jewel and treat it with the dignity and respect that it deserves.
Even during the four decades of Communism, this small city in Thuringia was protected as a cultural jewel.