You want to increase cultural sensitivity but be aware of the danger of cultural stereotyping.
The ads created some controversy over cultural stereotyping but were also described as "endearing" and very popular.
Overcoming Stereotypes Mr. Luke was philosophical about roles that were denied to him because of cultural stereotyping.
Most of the cultural stereotyping that it dissects dates from the 19th century and earlier.
But, in doing so, he slips into some unfortunate cultural stereotyping.
Some (Turiel) have argued that this research is based on cultural stereotyping and faulty methodology (Matsumoto).
Others maintain that a degree of cultural stereotyping is inevitable and may not be all bad.
A study of German loan words in English and their connection to cultural stereotyping (Stubbs 1998).
But even a faulty production of "Teahouse" is almost worth seeing, just for the play's juxtaposition of ahead-of-its-time awareness and cultural stereotyping.
This has led many critics to ridicule hip hop for the cultural stereotyping and faux gangster stylings portrayed by its current leading artists.