But where it worked, the cultural uniformity and homogeneity of the population increased.
Cultural diversity is presented as the antithesis of cultural uniformity.
He believed that the existing assumptions of cultural uniformity on the ethnographic analysis of categories were not correct, as variation was evident.
A main target of the Foundation is to deliver contributions for cultural authenticity and against cultural uniformity.
These settlements maintained a high degree of cultural uniformity through the long-distance exchange of ritual items, but were probably not politically unified.
The gospel does not impose a cultural uniformity.
Despite cultural uniformity, relations between biological species are not always unclouded.
Yet the wiry, chain-smoking Spaniard recoils at the thought of cultural uniformity.
This cultural uniformity would predictably lead to the extinction of cultures and make the world less culturally rich and diverse.
The emphasis on a show of cultural uniformity, paradoxically, comes at a time when the broader European ideal is evolving toward an acceptance of differences.