While the Edo Period had many social problems, people are now remembering it as a time of stability and great cultural vitality.
After the seat of government was relocated, Spanish Town lost much of its economic and cultural vitality.
At the same time, the project raises questions about the impact of these partnerships on the cultural vitality of New York.
Leadership in science remains central to the economic and cultural vitality of the United States.
And the community loses an engine of economic and cultural vitality.
This would mean a tremendous blow to the city's social variety and cultural vitality.
There is another Washington, full of cultural vitality, culinary pleasure and historical riches.
One reason people live in a city is for its cultural vitality.
The particular is the universal; or rather, American cultural vitality stems from the impulse to negotiate between individual and collective experience.
As the resident population increased, so has the cultural vitality of the district.