As the pattern is repeated, the originally nomadic dynasty becomes culturally assimilated to the culture of the occupied nation before its ultimate overthrow.
They gradually acquired power in most of the region of modern Rwanda, while intermarrying with the Hutu and becoming culturally assimilated by them.
Many of the ones who managed to survive the Holocaust were culturally assimilated.
At present they number only 500, concentrated in Kirklareli and culturally assimilated to the Turks (most of them speak mainly the Turkish language).
Through intermarriage with the local Bantus, the herders were gradually assimilated culturally, linguistically and racially.
Speakers are culturally assimilated with the Karen, but are Palaung by ancestry and their language is unrelated.
Part Sioux himself, and too culturally assimilated to acknowledge that heritage, he resents having been selected for the job on the basis of his background.
As Jews became more culturally assimilated, they felt less threatened by an increasingly tolerant Christian majority.
In Israel too, traditional Karaites tend to be culturally assimilated into mainstream society.
Romania), Celts culturally assimilated by the Dacians.