"There is no culturally responsive teaching spoken here."
In developing curriculum, the teaching staff put special attention to data-driven instruction and culturally responsive content, with a heavy emphasis on teacher professional development.
Goal B: To ensure that families fully participate in communities of their choice through comprehensive, inclusive, neighborhood-based, and culturally responsive supports and services.
Proponents argue that culturally responsive pedagogy is good for all students because it builds a caring community where everyone's experiences and abilities are valued.
The term "culturally relevant teaching" is often used interchangeably with "culturally responsive teaching".
A culturally responsive teacher uses differentiated instruction to tailor learning to every aspect of a student's culture.
"Confronting the marginalization of culturally responsive pedagogy", Urban Education 47(3), 562-584.
Researchers at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory notes that many anecdotal case studies show how culturally responsive practices improve students' behavior and achievement.
There are many alternative ways teachers can learn how to increase effectiveness of instructional delivery and create a culturally responsive classroom, including online resources [1].
Culturally responsive teaching is a very important element in regards to embracing a diverse students background.