Both cultures coexisted, the Celtic elements being socially predominant, until the arrival of the Romans.
In these works and others, high and low culture merrily coexist, and the performers continually draw attention to theater as theater.
Indeed, it is a case study in the lengths to which a company will go to ensure that two vastly different cultures can peacefully coexist.
After that, the Muslim, Christian and Jewish cultures coexisted for a long time.
The Maori and pakeha (foreign) cultures now coexist amicably enough, but they've shared a decidedly rocky history.
Officials at both companies said the two cultures coexist quite nicely.
While both cultures, the dominant white one and the black one coexist, it makes no sense to elevate one over the other.
For centuries, good people of the world have engaged in a struggle to find a way in which all cultures can coexist peacefully.
Although Swahili culture dominates, many different cultures coexist in Bagamoyo, including people of Arab descent.
I will then admit that the Western culture and Islamic culture can coexist.