African American culture has contributed the largest part to the rise of jazz.
Likewise geography, economy and culture have contributed to the current political make-up of Europe.
"In addition to being a major economic engine, arts and culture contribute greatly to New York's quality of life."
It has been suggested that their culture contributed to political thinking during the development of the later United States government.
The question whether popular culture can actually resist dominant ideology, or even contribute to social change, is much more difficult to answer.
In addition, Western culture has significantly contributed to the extensive range of dishes.
Perhaps no other ancient culture has contributed more to this advancement of human progress than the Chinese.
A health-conscious culture also contributes to the popularity of fresh produce.
In many of these battles, of course, Western culture could also contribute to its own defeat.
History shows us that the cultures of the two regions have contributed to and influenced each other considerably, as they both developed.