Organizational culture refers to the deep structure, the normative beliefs, and shared behavioral expectations in an organization.
The dominant culture in a society refers to the established language, religion, behavior, values, rituals, and social customs.
Media and popular culture referred to these as 'high capacity magazines or feeding devices'.
Kamrupi culture refers to the cultural norms of people of Kamrup.
I have come from a point in your history which your culture refers to as the Civil War.
Drinking culture refers to the customs and practices associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Organizational culture refers to culture in any type of organization be it school, university, not-for-profit groups, government agencies or business entities.
Organizational culture refers to the values, norms, beliefs and practices that govern how an institution functions.
The culture of Georgia refers to one of two articles:
He argued that the culture really referred only to Time magazine, a small part of the company.