These are usually localized growths caused by excessive cumulative exposure to the sun and do not tend to spread.
It has an estimated cumulative exposure of more than 10 million pregnancies.
Bone lead measurements are an indicator of cumulative exposure.
She attributed this to many years' cumulative exposure to pesticide spraying.
What seems to have caused his concussion, in other words, was his cumulative exposure.
Age spots: Dark spots on the skin, particularly the arms, hands, face and feet, stem from cumulative exposure to the sun.
Since the body cleanses itself of ethylmercury, the concern has always been about peak, not cumulative exposure, he said.
"The theory clearly posits that the cultivation effect occurs only after long-term, cumulative exposure to television. "
As for the workers who applied Monokote, the company argues that their cumulative exposure was not great enough to pose a danger.
The incidence of podoconiosis increases with age, likely due to cumulative exposure to irritant soil.