A cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines.
Wilson also issues cumulative indexes to the set, and an online version is available as a subscription database.
It was published in fourteen volumes, with the fifteen volume being a cumulative index to the entire encyclopedia.
Issue 163 of Der Esperantist (1990) contained a cumulative index of articles.
We report ozone concentrations as a cumulative index called the SUM06.
We will be printing a new cumulative index to help research into back issues of Women's Art and some educational 'fact packs'.
This was to be addressed by cumulative indexes and epitome volumes.
The cumulative index to the Journal, by subject and category, is also available online at www.ajhs.info/journal/index.
This cumulative index covers all Journal issues, but not special publications, from 1939 to 2004.
Biography Index, a cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines.