Over the past five years, the cumulative loss has approached $5 million.
The "present value" of the cumulative loss over the next century would be roughly $1 trillion for America alone.
Still, the company has piled up a cumulative loss of about $670 million over the past four years.
But the cuts have not been enough to make up for the cumulative losses in revenue.
It puts the company's cumulative losses as of May 31, 1991, at $118,000.
It has also had cumulative losses over the last three years of $267 million.
He was sacked three times for a cumulative loss of 30 yards.
The last edition was published on 29 December 1993, with the paper having made a cumulative loss of around $20 million.
The cumulative loss over the period 2005-2015 would be about $556 billion.
The federal gas tax has experienced a cumulative loss in purchasing power of 33 percent since 1993.