The cumulative 43.2 rating for the four bowls declined 22.2 percent from last year's 55.5.
"I'd say that when you consider the number of games, a cumulative rating would show more people than ever are watching," he said.
So far, the cumulative overnight rating for all tournament games through Sunday is a 5.7, the highest since 1994, and up 6 percent from last year.
Motion sickness is measured based on the cumulative ratings of all these symptoms without distinguishing different levels for each effect.
The cumulative ratings would be displayed for the product, indicating its quality and popularity.
But Fox executives say the cumulative ratings are the only accurate measure.
Through two games, the 13.0 cumulative rating is the lowest ever.
That means that on Tuesday nights, the show has, in effect, a cumulative 26 rating.
The cumulative rating for five nights is a 22.9, up 26 percent from the same period in Barcelona.
If you take a cumulative rating, it will be comparable to what you might get with a network television movie.