Thwaites was no coward, but he did not relish attacking the great cunning beast single-handed.
What had I been thinking of to hunt this one, when the starlit world is full of more vicious and cunning beasts?
Nicholas II said Natalia was "such a cunning, wicked beast that it's disgusting even to talk about her".
Ah, but then you would be missing the point that the law is a wily, cunning beast of utter unpredictability.
According to the Midrash, before this cunning beast was cursed, it stood erect and was endowed with some faculty of communication.
It is a most cunning beast.
A quicker, more cunning beast, unfettered by pity or love or obligation.
Once human, it had been twisted into a mindless but cunning beast that fed on carrion.
It must be diluted, it must be handled carefully, like a cunning beast.
From what I could hear, this Graypatch sounds to me like a very cunning beast.