It is generally agreed, to this day, that Jews are deft, cunning and sophisticated creatures, with the wisdom of the world stored up in them.
So had these cunning little creatures marked out their pathway to food with a species-specific street lamp system that only they could perceive?
"Not immediately, but mages are cunning and capable creatures."
Beholders are certainly cunning and handsome creatures, but I am a man of great will and stronger mind.
But human beings are very resourceful and cunning creatures.
In the hills and forests were the small and cunning creatures we now call Gnomes.
She is going to take a little holiday; and the cunning creature makes a mystery of it.
The brunwhal were the most valuable, and most cunning, creatures of the deep.
He had revealed just a little too much to this cunning, primitive creature.
Had Angelica in reality been one of those deceptive, cunning creatures?