I've won this battle, regardless of your cunning little devices.
Now a "Chinese line" is a cunning device invented by the people whose name it bears.
Not only that, it may also be a cunning device for redistributing the wealth from the pinched classes to the bloated.
Or was it the cunning device of a shrewd murderer to lead the trail to the banker?
This was a cunning device, probably of divine manufacture.
It was merely a cunning device to lure Bob to the barge.
With many cunning devices she tried to lure him off, but still, in his stubborn way, he refused to be misled.
"You have just tasted the sting of a cunning new device which we call a Deryni pricker," the priest went on.
The whole bomb episode was a cunning device to make Starr seem doubly innocent.
A soul in a box, a cunning device.