They were of the opinion that promin could cure leprosy; if not, new chemicals may be found.
The vaccination programme has been criticised on the grounds that this massive time and effort could be better spent improving drugs to cure leprosy.
It is also used there medicinally, but with different purported effects, including as a laxative and to cure inflammations of the skin as well as leprosy.
Could these beans cure leprosy, impassion virgins, be-stow immortality?
Geshe Chekhawa is claimed to have cured leprosy with mind training.
The song the moon knows is apparently very beautiful and can cure leprosy or madness in any who hear it.
In general, wearing slow loris bones is considered good luck and the meat is sometimes thought to cure leprosy.
Near the graveyard we also found a well, adorned with prayer pledges, dedicated to the fifth-century monk St Finian, who is said to have cured leprosy.
Folk-medicine practitioners believed that a piece of stork flesh chewed daily with betel could cure leprosy.
According to Sikh tradition, the water of the old pond was found to possess medicinal properties, especially efficacious for curing leprosy.