It is the northernmost coastal town in Angus and developed at a natural harbour that traded in skins, hides and cured salmon in medieval times.
It is also used in curing fresh salmon to make gravad lax (pronounced gravlax), a real treat.
Big New York smoking concerns began curing Western salmon in the lighter Nova Scotia style to sell as an alternative to lox.
A beautiful antipasto selection offered marinated peppers, cured salmon, bresaola, olives and some of the best anchovies I have ever tasted.
There are three main curing methods that are typically used to cure salmon prior to smoking.
The captain ordered one section of the deck railing removed, and sailors began shoving into the sea huge casks of salt beef, cured salmon and dehydrated poi.
Salmon: smoked salmon, cured salmon, and gravlax (fermented).
Wild rice pancakes (dense), served with sour cream and cured salmon, and crispy spiced squid rings (rather bland) were among them.
At the end of the process the result is cured salmon.
But its camphorlike tones are wonderful when the herb is used in place of dill for curing salmon in the style of gravlax.