Witnesses speculated that the boat was violating curfew regulations by taking on passengers.
The curfew regulations are posted everywhere.
The new curfew regulations were imposed in the absence of the labourers, who were at work and ignorant of the new rules.
There was no longer any military authority in the village to enforce the curfew regulations.
We are told we must be mindful of the curfew regulations.
You see, apparently we've got to be mindful of the curfew regulations.
That flitting shadow was a black flag of revolt for the commoners, who tonight were defying the age-old curfew regulations.
Intermingled among the prisoners, leading to some confusion, are young civilians who were seized as looters or thieves or because they broke curfew regulations.
Only soldiers and paramilitary forces could travel under the curfew regulations.
The National Hockey League has penalized two officials for what it termed violation of curfew regulations in the recent playoffs.