It was a curious example of establishing standard practice while changing with kaleidoscopic rapidity all the elements involved.
More curious examples would be Arthur Ransome's illustrations to his own books.
The thing is a curious example of how symbolic is the great part of human history.
Nature trips us up when we strut; and there are curious examples in history on this very point of national pride.
(4) This curious example brings up the problem of plagiarism.
He is certainly a curious example of the Unicornism to be found in almost every kingdom of animated nature.
The Invisibles was published in 1903 and was considered "a curious example of subculture trying to move up."
Another curious example of his "good side" is with Martin, a boy whom Nelson picks on perhaps more so than any other kid in town.
It is rather a curious example of a certain school of Indian carving.
History will remember Singer as a curious example of the bizarre things that can happen when paradigms collide.