They passed around us quietly, the little yellow man leading, with his curious, lithe gait, and the other, an impassive Chinaman, following.
Piphros moved again, walking with a curious, and uncoordinated gait.
The two house-women who had shared the bathtub padded in with a curious stooping gait.
Rincewind reached the stairway, sucking his bruised hand and running with a curious, bent-over gait.
The boy went off with a curious, shambling gait which told my surgical eyes that he was suffering from a weak spine.
He walked towards me with a curious stiff gait.
She watched him, wondering if she was looking very old, and saw him start to walk towards the airline office with his curious, stiff gait.
The lizard had responded by running around the horses with a curious bouncing gait and then turning three cartwheels.
When slowly he began to move it was with a curious gait, as if he was swimming very slowly.
It had a curious gait, somewhere faster than a trot but slower than a canter.