His space-time had the curious property that the whole universe was rotating.
Liszt's best music has the curious property of occupying the performer's personality and not the other way around.
The curious properties proposed for space time, apparently correctly, helped turn this result into a popular news item.
Crotonaldehyde has the curious property of turning it solid.
The strong nuclear force has a curious property called confinement: it always binds particles together into combinations that have no color.
I am not acquainted, whether this curious property of vulgar fractions has been before pointed out?
This gives rise to curious properties, as well as supporting some unusual proposals about the fundamental conditions of the universe itself.
He really had no idea of the curious property of fairy gold.
The gravity train has several curious properties.
Whatever the truth of the matter is, the fact remains that the Apron has curious properties which cannot be explained in rational terms.