Jacqui took it in her hand, examining it as though it were a curious medical specimen.
Fraser's group was sent in an eastward direction, where they discovered "many curious and interesting Botanical specimens and a lump of granite from the ridge".
A television reporter covering the gorilla tooth-cleaning is treated by the camera as just another curious specimen.
The woman looked at me like I was either a potentially contagious disease or an especially curious specimen in the zoo.
The Tor gazed back at the Castellan as though Lebbick were a curious specimen pinned to a mounting board.
He walked over to the shelf and pointed to a curious specimen.
That day they brought up curious specimens from those productive coasts.
Kai and his group had no weapons except curious specimens of insect craft from the Insect Wars, which were stolen from a museum.
A fine old city, perhaps the most curious specimen at present extant of the genuine old English Town.
It was a curious specimen of ancient zoology, and if circumstances would have permitted, he said, worthy of preservation.