It was [like] a fraternity house where a visiting European magician . . . and a curious teenager from Queens might rub elbows, ideas, and magic wands.
The man tended to wake up at the slightest sound; a useful trait in the resistance, but pretty infuriating for a pair of curious teenagers.
But the times, for better or for worse, have fashioned a niche for Alice (Charlotte Alexandra), the sullen, curious teenager whose body and soul are laid bare by Ms. Breillat's camera.
Neither rot nor fire will keep curious teenagers and armchair archaeologists from the site, which most visitors simply call "Skillman" after the surrounding town.
However sincerely intended, the warnings, posted on one of a growing number of Web sites that promote eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, may serve more as a lure, especially for curious teenagers.
For more information about sexual health myths and facts-for yourself or for a curious teenager in your life visit the following resources.
But I can attest, as a curious teenager in 1949, that my stay in Yaddo might as well have been in a monastery.
Which means that a curious teenager not only has ready access to graphic material, but also can engage in sexual experimentation with peers that would be next to impossible in everyday life.
She had been given a "sheltered life" and became a "naturally curious teenager" wanting to explore the world.
This building became the haunt of curious teenagers and drug addicts who used the methadone clinic nearby before the reconstruction, because the building remained unoccupied for 20 years from 1970s.