With its holdings of dollars running low, both the country's currency and its stock market have been plummeting.
Brazil's currency has plummeted, aggravating a credit crunch on international markets that is hurting Brazilian companies.
And Iran's currency, the rial, has plummeted since the sanctions were signed, raising pressure on the government.
Its currency, the bolivar, has plummeted in value since 1983 and now stands at 38 to the dollar.
Argentina's currency, the austral, has plummeted since it was devalued by more than 50 per cent a week ago.
Despite that better-than-expected performance, the Canadian currency plummeted to new lows in the last quarter of 2001.
Its currency, the lira, has plummeted 57 percent this year.
Stocks would then rise, but currencies would plummet, so American investors should hedge their risks.
Price Tags Changed As the currency plummeted, merchants have marked up the prices of food items sold in Lebanese pounds.
Because the currency has plummeted in value, even spectacular growth in Brazil would be diminished on the balance sheet.