The Nepalese Department of Customs has reported an increased number of foreigners arrested for currency violations.
He was charged along with the others but ultimately was found not guilty of all charges after having been once convicted of currency violations.
It acquitted two men of the main drug conspiracy charge, but convicted one of them of lesser currency violations.
The former partner was charged with currency violations for trying to ship $140,000 in boxes of honey jars to Yemen.
Yesterday police pursued an American national from a Tigzirt hotel after he'd been turned in for currency violations.
One person was indicted on charges of currency violations.
Croatia has put three Soros foundation employees on trial, charged with currency violations, a criminal offense.
However, he was convicted on currency violations that carried up to five years in prison.
The official penalty for currency violations, such as paying more than a maximum fare, was execution.
The I.R.S. is focusing on money laundering and possible currency violations.