Higher fuel prices, usually paid in American dollars, have driven up operating costs, while currency weakness has flattened demand for business travel domestically and abroad, Mr. Dixon said.
Markets in Europe and Asia generally ended the year with gains of 15 percent or more, although those rises were partly offset by currency weaknesses against the dollar.
The resulting currency weakness could destroy capital gains in bond funds, or cause net losses in the short-term income funds where any capital gains would be slight.
The release date is not considered yet but last information gave by Blueside is that they will stop with game projecting because of currency weakness for more information check out the official website.
As one of these people, let me attempt to explain the seldom-discussed secret of its success and the connection with the recent currency weaknesses of the Asian tigers.
The British pound rose sharply yesterday on unfounded rumors that the Government's key advocate of currency weakness was preparing to quit.
The first concern, he said, is that the currency weakness will generate inflationary pressures by increasing the prices of imported goods.
Private sector seems to be doing reasonably at the moment especially in exports making our goods cheaper due to currency weakness.
Those airlines have both warned of falling profits because of high fuel costs, currency weakness and slowing demand.
The government originally set a 3.25 percent inflation target for 2003 but has revised the target to 4 percent because of currency weakness.